Top 10 reasons why people travel:

Travelling is perhaps the best way to get rid of monotonous life and bring calmness on it. For the same reason, peoples from round the globe frequently do visit here and there. According to their time, condition and spending capacity, they keep travel from short to long distance from the place of their residence. These days, travelling is being much easier and faster. Now one can have lunch in one country and dinner to the next.
On venture of new location, scenery, cultural practices and lifestyle, people do travel over the world. Travelling is one of the most favorite hobbies of people. But the preferences, interest and reasons of travel might differ from one to other. Some of the major reasons why people travel are as below:

1.       Work (according to job need)
2.       Romance and love
3.       Rejuvenation/ recreation
4.       Family time
5.       Bucket list (places where one wish to visit before die)
6.       Adventure
7.       Health
8.       Meet new people
9.       Learning/ study/ research
10.  New prospective (get to experience new)